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Glass-Glass solar panels

How the back cover can impact your long-term yield


What is Glass-Glass technology?



A glass cover to protect the solar cells, sounds fragile? On the contrary, glass used in solar panels is special tempered solar glass that is much stronger than other types of glass. A bit comparable to the glass used in cars. The glass also filters out certain radiation wavelengths to prevent overheating or degradation of the cells to keep the panels work optimally. There are two main types of solar panels:

-        those with a glass front cover and a laminated backsheet (foil) at the rear, usually made of polymers

-        those with a glass cover both at the front and the rear side.

Glass-Glass panels are not necessarily more efficient than Glass-Foil panels, yet glass-glass panels have some major advantages. A glass-glass panel has a greater durability and lifespan and therefore will also have a higher yield in the long run.


Advantages of Glass-Glass solar panels


Longer lifespan

The double glass layer means the panels are better protected from weather conditions and other environmental factors, such as temperature variations and humidity. Glass-Glass solar panels therefore have a longer lifespan than Glass-Foil.

Better protection

The panels also bend less, reducing mechanical stress. This also means less chance at micro-cracks which often occur during transportation or installation or due to heavy impact or load like hail, snow and storms.