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About Belinus

Turning buildings into power stations


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Belinus aims to maximize solar energy capture in a fossil fuel-free world, offering durable, stylish, high-performance solar panels that blend cutting-edge technology with top European quality and safety standards.

Recently, we earned the “Top brand PV modules” award for Belgium, reflecting strong brand awareness and customer preference, as recognized by a EuPD Research survey among installers.


Why Belinus solar panels?

Solar panels might look the same, but they're not! Small things can change how much energy you get or how your house looks. What makes a solar panel good? Don't worry about hard words or math. We'll show you what's important in a simple way. Our solar panels have all the best features and more. Choosing a Belinus solar panel means you've made a smart choice!

The story of Belinus

2015: A consultancy firm was founded to do the technical development and quality checks of solar panels for European brands.

2018: With all that knowledge, expertise and relationships with industrial partners, a new company was created to develop our own solar panels and the Belinus brand was born.

2022: Belinus’ headquarters moved from the Innovation & Incubation Center at the campus Arenberg of the university of Leuven to IncubaThor at an old mining site called Thor Park in Genk.


Headquarters at IncubaThor (Thor Park) Genk, Belgium

Luchtfoto Thor park

Thor Park, where we are based, is a beautiful spot with vast green fields and peaceful hiking trails.

It's a dynamic hub for innovation, buzzing with companies and educational institutions focused on smart, renewable energy and research.

Thor Park is built on the site of an old coal mine. This serves as a daily inspiration for us at Belinus, reminding us of our mission to transition from traditional 'black' energy to sustainable, green energy.

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